
Friday, February 14, 2014

Love is an 800 lb. Rock

Love is an 800 pound rock. Well, it is for me at least. I dedicate this post to my wonderful husband, my forever Valentine.

We have been married for almost 22 years. Through the years we have learned how to show our love to each other in not only words, but actions. Showing love can go beyond holding hands and sweet kisses. I am blessed to have a husband who is attentive to my “love language”. I know there are many books out there that talk about love languages, but neither my husband nor I have ever read one. We have learned, through being sensitive and attentive, what each other needs are. 
Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..”
Now, about that rock. We had a large rock that was in our the creek. I mentioned I would like to have it in my flower bed. He said there was no way. It was too heavy, and we would need a bobcat. We don’t own a bobcat. (Although his name is Bob and he is the cat’s meow)

I did not let what he said deter me. I had complete faith in my husband’s ability and ingenuity. Plus, I will admit, I am a bit stubborn. (gasp)

This may have been a place where some wives would have started nagging to get what they wanted. I know that does nothing but wear the man down until he does what is requested begrudgingly. I don’t want my husband to have those kinds of feelings toward me.  So, I did not make a big deal of it. I think I said something like, “nothing is impossible” and “you never know til you try”. We left it at that. 
Proverbs 27:15, “A nagging spouse is like the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet; You can’t turn it off, and you can’t get away from it.”
Later that afternoon I was working in my flower beds. I noticed he went down to the creek. I saw him go back and forth several times with tools and the wheelbarrow. I honestly thought he was working on one of the bridges that was in desperate need of repair.    Then, he got his Jeep and drove it down to the creek. That was a bit odd.

After a time I went to check on him. What I saw was true love literally at work for me. He had gotten our engine hoist, strapped it to the rock, and was in the process of lifting it out of the creek. See! He is very ingenious. The bank of the creek was about 3 foot high. It was very challenging to get it up the bank. We got the rock loaded into the back of the Jeep(another 3 foot hoist up). Drove it up to the house, and unloaded it in the flower bed. All was a bit of a process (about an hour) and hard work. 
Philippians 2:3-4,  “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Talk about speaking volumes of love! That was a true agape(selfless, sacrificial, unconditional) kind of love. Still today when I look at the rock I see love, pure selfless love. 
Romans 12:10, “Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”
I am so thankful that my husband takes delight in honoring me in his actions. I only hope that I am doing the same for him. He truly is my forever Valentine!


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