I have made only a couple posts and I am blessed by the wonderful emails, texts, and comments I have gotten from you. My hope is to encourage others in their walk with God - because I know how wonderful it truly is. (I may throw in some educational/homeschool stuff here and there too.)
I was, however, hearing some doubts in my own thoughts. Things like, "Oh, who are you to do such a thing as write - you are not good with grammar". "You have nothing of value to help anyone", "No one cares what you have to say". Now, I know those are not my own thoughts. That stinking devil is trying to discourage me from spreading the hope, goodness and love of God. I think he tries to make us feel belittled, scared, or embarrassed. If his plan works it would take away our victory of being obedient so we will not do it again. I try to remember what God says:
"You must teach these things and encourage your people to do them, correcting them when necessary as one who has every right to do so. Don’t let anyone think that what you say is not important." Titus 2:15
A couple days ago I came across a note in my Bible that made me so excited. I wanted to share it with you because I hope it will make you excited too. It has to do with our critical role in the affairs of the Earth - big or small.
The words that struck me were 'strategic significance'. Let's look at what these words mean:"Each believer has a strategic significance in his own sphere. He or she must strive to maximize the impact of the good and encourage others to do the same."
Strategic: Carefully designed or planned to serve a particular purpose or advantage, of great importance with an integrated whole or to a planned effect.
Significant: The quality of being important and having notable worth or influence.
God has made plans for us and knows that the smallest things matter:
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
"And some of the parts that seem weakest and least important are really the most necessary." 1 Corinthians 12:22Hallelujah! See, we can all have a significant impact in our own little circle of family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers. The littlest of things that WE may think are not a big deal may mean something so great to another. I now know that even little things like this blog matter.
The impact we can make to those around us can not be taken lightly. It does not matter if you are new in your walk with God, or if you have been a Christian for many years. There is something YOU possess inside that can make a great impact and possibly change the direction of someone's life. God made us all very unique and significant. I tell my kids all the time that if we were all the same (look, talk, act alike) it would be very boring.
I encourage you to step our of your comfort zone and see what God may have for you to do, say and be. I have stepped out of my comfort zone for sure! In writing this blog I know I am not the best when it comes to the use of grammar or writing, but at least I am trying. I am putting this out there for others to see, read and criticize. Yeah, stepping our may be a bit fearful, but it turns into enjoyment if you give it over to God!
Keep in mind...even though we may feel like some of the things we do are little, we have a BIG GOD! God can take all those little things and turn them into something GREATER!
(pictured above - my beautiful daughter, Charlotte 2010)
Wonderful. <3